EquipSent organizes the transfer of out-of-use but functional laboratory equipment (tested, non-contaminated, non-embargoed), which can be used for teaching and research mainly in the field of the natural sciences and engineering. This covers a broad range of devices.

We are currently looking for a list of devices for specific requests, which we hope to complete soon. Yout can find the list under What we are looking for.

In general we are always looking for a wide range of equipment:

  • Low-End (< 1’000 USD): chemical glass ware, pipettes, electronics, optical components, electronic circuits, etc
  • Mid-range  (< 20’000 USD): vacuum pumps, scales, ovens, etc
  • High-End (> 20’000 USD): HPLC, XRD, SEM, FTIR, lasers, MS, etc

If you are interested in receiving equipment, please fill the Future Recipient Questionnaire and describe your situation. We will reach out to our donor network and find matching equipment for you!

If you want to collaborate with us to provide laboratory equipment, please fill out the  Future Partner Questionnaire. We will find a recipient in need and establish the match!

A few examples of devices in stock are below: